Členové ISSA dnes obdrželi níže uvedený e-mail od Garyho Fluitta. Cítím, jako svou povinnost, se o něj s vámi rozdělit:
ISSA 2010
The new ISSA Board of Directors has been hard at work since the December election, figuring out how we can improve slalom – for both racers and race organizers. You may have heard about some changes. We’d like to spell those out here and let you know what’s up for 2010.
New focus
In recent years the ISSA was focused on providing structure: rules, rankings and sanctions. A necessary foundation for sure, but now we want to focus on benefits – benefits for the racer and the race organizer. The ISSA has gone as far as it can go as just a loosely organized website/social network with a rule book and endless discussions. It’s time for the ISSA to do something more.
Racers and organizers have asked the ISSA for numerous benefits and improvements via posts on the slalomskateboarder.com forum and in personal conversations and e-mails. We are committed to providing as many of these benefits as we can. However, providing these benefits will cost money. We intend to pursue funding from sponsors, but it will not provide all the money we need.
So in 2010, we will begin charging an annual fee for ISSA membership. Racers in Main and Major ISSA-sanctioned events in 2010 will be required to join the ISSA and pay this fee. The fee will be $25 USD (€20) if you pre-pay before going to your first race. If you choose to pay at your first race, the fee will be slightly higher: $30 USD (€25). The PayPal address for membership dues is issa@slalomskateboarder.com
We encourage everyone to become a member of the ISSA, but it is only required for racers in the Main and Major events. All other event levels have no membership requirements. Basic, Plain, Prime, grass roots, invitational and outlaw races are all good for the sport, and we encourage these also. If you want to throw one of these events, let us know how we can help. We’ve done them all, and we encourage you to do so also.
Individuals who do not enter a Main or Major event in 2010 may also join the ISSA for 2010 by paying the membership fee, which will give them access to ISSA member forums and allow them to vote in ISSA elections in December 2010. For these “non-racing” members, membership dues for the 2010 calendar year must be paid by the registration deadline of the last sanctioned Main or Major event. Any current members who have not renewed their dues by this deadline will be dropped from ISSA membership and will not be able to vote in ISSA elections or access the ISSA member forums unless they renew their membership in 2011.
What are we going to do with the money?
The ISSA will use the money to pay for things like race insurance, the world ranking system, physical timing systems, marketing and promotions, upgrading and revising slalomskateboarder.com and helping race organizers with permits, registration, logistics and race costs.
Racer benefits
• World rankings will be managed by the ISSA. Thanks to the excellent work of Hans “Corky” Koraeus and other volunteers, the 2010 rankings will be part of your membership and will be updated every month.
• Points will actually matter: Racers with top points in each category will be recognized and awarded the coveted ISSA Championship Belt at the conclusion of the season.
• Recognition: Beginning with the Spring 2010 issue, the ISSA will have two pages in every issue of Concrete Wave magazine. Thanks to Michael Brooke, we’ll be showing off the hottest racers in 2010.
• Racer discounts: Manufacturers are signing up to give ISSA members discounts on product. Details later on this racer benefit.
• Insurance: ISSA races will be provided race and racer insurance. This will help grow the race scene, providing more race opportunities for you.
Organizer benefits
• Insurance will be provided for ISSA-sanctioned races. This is the biggest hurdle in N. America to getting a road closure permit.
• Media coverage as part of the Concrete Wave ISSA coverage.
• Timing system: ISSA race organizers can use an ISSA timing system (dual-lane wired TrackMate 3) and timing spreadsheets.
• Mailing list: Market your race to the ISSA membership
• ISSA Rep assistance at race. We aim to have an ISSA board member or rep at every Main and Major ISSA race to help with logistics.
• Organizer assistance: From permits to road closure plans, to race-running tips, we’re here for the race organizer. Let us help.
• Sponsor dollars: As part of an international package of races, sponsor dollars that flow into the ISSA will be used to help run your events.
• Marketing assistance: This includes website development, graphic design, T-shirt design and advertising. We have resources that can help race organizers.
• Points management: We will take results and get your event’s points into the rankings for member racers.
Right now there is a unique collection of energized volunteers trying to do something new with the ISSA. We hope you’re as stoked about the future of slalom as we are. And we look forward to an excellent season of racing with you. If you have any questions or concerns, please post your comments and discussions here, or contact any member of the ISSA board of directors below.
Gary Fluitt, President: fluitt@mac.com
Dan Gesmer, Vice President: seismicsk8@aol.com
Jonathan Harms, Treasurer: jbh123@gmail.com
Wesley Tucker, Secretary: Wtucker567@aol.com
Joe Iacovelli: iaco@att.net
Peter Klang: peterklang@telia.com
Joe McLaren: mclaren650@msn.com
Takže chlapci, jestli tomu dobře rozumím, tak na závodu se statusem Major a Main budou smět závodit pouze platící členové ISSA… V ČR jsou v ISSA čtyři lidi. Já, Štefka, Hromádko, Červinka… Když já a Červinka nezaplatíme a nikdo další nezaplatí 20EUR ISSA, tak v Hradci a v Poličce bude moci závodit z Čechů pouze Pepa (a Radim ho bude startovat). Musím se přiznat, že mě začíná ta ISSA tak trochu stolicovat… Jestli není nejvyšší čas jít Donnaldovou cestou… To ale píši jako Petr Janoušek a ne jako předseda ČASS.
Nelíbí se mi stav, který panuje v přidělování statusů v tomto roce a vůbec stav ohledně fungování a složení ISSA. Napsal jsem proto otevřený dopis na stránky ISSA a potřeboval bych, pokud s mým názorem budete souhlasit, aby jste jej podpořili v hlasování. Pro zájemce, kteří by to chtěli poslat v češtině, mám připravenou českou verzi, tak se ozvěte a já vám to zašlu e-mailem… Otevřený dopis je na odkazu http://www.slalomskateboarder.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=7530
rád si to česky přečtu Petře
Já taky prosím….Renata
I já se přidávám.